Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping
Our Team Members.
Karin Cook

Karin has over 30 years experience in public accounting. She is a graduate of ROVA High School and Monmouth College. Karin obtained her CPA license in 1993. She acquired Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping from Marilyn Calvert in 1996 after working for Marilyn for the six years prior to that. Karin’s focus is helping individuals and small businesses with their bookkeeping and tax needs so they can concentrate on being successful in reaching their goals. She is also a Notary Public.
Dena Huber

Dena has been with Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping over 19 years and was a bookkeeper for Bill Peyer prior to that. She is a graduate of Neponset High School and Black Hawk East College. She specializes in multi-state payroll processing, bookkeeping, and sales tax. Dena has the experience to answer a variety of accounting questions. She has built strong relationships with clients and provides them with exceptional service.
Terry Cook

Terry came to Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping in the fall of 2001 and started preparing income taxes in 2002. He is a graduate of Monmouth College with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Terry worked with Marilyn Calvert during her last two tax seasons in order to transition many of her farm clients’ tax returns. Terry focuses on individual, small business and farm tax returns. He is also a Notary Public.
Jacob Paxton

Jacob is a member of the Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping team having started in early 2020. He is a graduate of Wethersfield High School and has a Masters in Professional Accounting degree from Colorado University-Global Campus. Jacob focuses much of his work on payroll processing, bookkeeping, and income tax preparation for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and non-profit organizations. With a technology background, he also has the knowledge to answer many of the questions when it comes to computers and electronics.
Katrina Jordan

Katrina has been a member of the Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping team since early 2022. She is a graduate of Kewanee High School and has a bachelor of science degree in business and accounting from Southern New Hampshire University. She has a background in finance and tax preparation prior to working here. Katrina’s work focuses mostly on payroll processing, bookkeeping and income tax preparation for individuals.
Fabiola Corral

Fabi is back being a member of the Calvert Tax & Bookkeeping team since March 2024 after a leave of absence. She is a graduate of Kewanee High School with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master's in Business Administration with an emphasis in Leadership. Fabi provides administrative support to ensure efficient office operations. She is also responsible for scheduling appointments, client relations, some bookkeeping, and assisting other staff members.